
International Writers Magazine: India in Hacktreks
Reva Sharma
it the something factor. Any Indian who has spent
most, if not all, of their lives out of India has been at the
mercy of the something factor at some point in time.
The yearning to do something for your country, to
find that something that makes you Indian, to justify
the feelings of restlessness and lack of belonging, the feelings
that you cant understand but arise without fail whenever
you see a news item about travesty in India, something
more than general discontent, but a sense of responsibility, the
feeling that this could be me or my family, followed by a need
to do something to help.
It was this something
factor that led me to spend a summer in Mumbai working with slum children,
I suspect it was the same something factor that played a
part in name of intern
decision to join the Indicorps...
My time in Mumbai was probably the single most influential experience
of my life. Flying out to India clutching mental images of poor starving
children, that weve all seen, I was soon stunned as my romantic
vision of helping the poor and needy was replaced with awe, and an overwhelming
respect for people making the best of a difficult situation, where there
is scarcely enough food to eat. The poverty was very clear to see, these
were undernourished children working in sweatshops, but the accompanying
attitudes of enthusiasm, hope and optimism that the children universally
possessed came as a huge surprise. Memories of poor families sharing
their meals with me, someone they barely knew, showing unbelievable
hospitality and zest for life, are embedded in my subconscious. The
childrens bright smiles showed me more than ever that they deserve
a better future, but more than that I realised that I was lucky just
to be part of the team helping these magnificent individuals. I went
to Mumbai expecting to help, little did I realise how much I would be
helped. On the flight home, I made a silent promise to myself, that
this would be the beginning and not the end.
Hearing about the Indicorps completely reminded me of that hope and
passion I had felt, all over again. Before my time in Mumbai, the cynic
in me would be reluctant to accept terms like service for the
soul and believe in the power of one but at the risk
of using another cliché: seeing is believing. Indicorps does
not need flowery marketing; the chance it is offering to people like
us is enough. To be a part of a project in India serving the community,
living in the community, eating, breathing, living their lives, whilst
having a chance to make positive changes, is a phenomenal opportunity.
Offering diverse projects like Water management, serving
tribal groups to name a couple, this is no pseudo-challenge. This
is the real thing. It will test you to your limits, probably at times
be unbearably difficult, but what better incentive than the knowledge
that you have changed lives, in many cases saved lives? No matter what
direction your career takes; accounting, finance, marketing, you will
walk around for the rest of your life knowing you have made a significant
positive change to the lives of many people.
Help alleviate poverty, help bring education to poor children, help
bring fresh water to villages, those are the official lines
but the truth is; do it for you. The true reward lies in the revelation
that we have far more to learn from those in India than they have from
us, our quest for modernisation and our submission to the western model
of happiness have meant we do not possess the inherent humility and
dignity that these Indians do, but the good news is by being in their
presence we can learn it, and the even better news is: it will certainly
satisfy the something factor.
Make contact with Indicorps here
© Reva Sharma
March 8th 2006
See also A
Walk in Dharavi Reva Sharma
India to Read - Reva Sharma
More Destinations
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