••• The International Writers Magazine - 23 Years on-line - In Memory
In Memory of my wife Beverly
Martin Green
This will be a very short “Observations.” Readers of this column have become acquainted with my wife Beverly. I’m sorry to report that Beverly was diagnosed with acute leukemia, the worst kind. The doctors told me she probably had it for several months before. When it was diagnosed the leukemia moved quickly and Beverly passed very shortly after.
I’m struck that those who have talked or written to me about Beverly have all stressed her sweetness, her kindness, her thoughtfulness, her empathy and much more. Beverly became a talented watercolor artist when we moved to SCR and her paintings hang in many houses here. Beverly also joined the Sun City Singers and enjoyed being in the Chorus for some 25 years. I believe she at one time served as Vice President of the club. Beverly loved to travel and we were members of the Travel Club. When our youngest son Christopher married our lovely daughter-in-law Flindie and moved to Ireland, we made many trips there.
I’ve received tremendous support from my three sons and their families. Chris, our youngest son, flew here from Ireland. Michael, our middle son who lives closest, drove me to the hospital every day while Beverly was there. David, our oldest, did whatever was needed. I’ve also received tremendous support from friends and neighbors (you know who you are).
I wrote at the beginning that this would be a very short “Observations” and if put in all the thoughts that my sons and their wives---David and Laura, Michael and Bridget, Chris and Flindie---have expressed about Beverly they would fill the entire Sun Senior News and more. Just to put in some: David: the heart and soul of the family; Michael: Mom was a wonderful, amazing talented woman; Chris: a constant cheerleader, nothing but love and light, sweetness and grace. As for me, to borrow words from a song, when Beverly left she took away the sun. I was a lucky guy to be married to Beverly for 57-plus years.
© Martin Green December 2022
Scenes From A Life - Stages
Martin Green
It's all bliss in retirement isn't it?
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