Hackwriters & Getoutthere.bt.com
Journalism Competition
Festive Facts for Fiction Competition
Did this Christmas leave you thinking, "stuff the turkey, this
is not what it is cracked up to be". Or are you one of the lucky
ones for who Christmas is a time of joy and good will to all men, women
and dotty relatives?
Whatever your experiences, Hackwriters and getoutthere.bt.com
are giving you the chance to use your festive facts to win a set of
the finest fiction from Random House Publishing.
has recently launched a brand new creative writing zone to give budding
writers the chance to upload their work for all to see. Along with advice
and feature articles, seasoned writers including Ed McBain and Ian Rankin
will be on board to judge the work. Charts allow other users to vote
for their favourite uploads and there will be countless opportunities
for hotshot writers to get noticed. Go to www.getoutthere.bt.com
to discover how to upload your work.
To enter our competition, select a newspaper or magazine to target and
write a feature in 1000 words or less on your exploits and experiences
over the Christmas period.

The best entries will win one of three sets of books from Random House,
including By The Shore by rising literary light, Galaxy
Craze and Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight
When is the deadline? Who do you send them to? How do you send your
entries? Details Here:
Submit your entry to editor@hackwriters.com
In what format? A Word 97/98 file, Claris 4 (Mac users)/ or rtf file.
When? By Feb 8th 2001
All entries will then be forwarded to the judges and you'll hear who
has won, from them and us, sometime in March.
So Get Writing we want to hear
from you.
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