John Prohaska
' By what right did she cleave the world in two? Where did this woman
get the power to go about forging small universes? '
I cant recall
the specific occasion for the street festival we attended. The calendar
was peppered with them throughout the fertile season and none truly
gave a damn about the particulars. They were occasions to join a throng
of strangers and dance, and that was explanation enough. But I do recall
that this one took place in the city center very close to the Gallery
of Art. Our group was a strange gathering, made more so by its convoluted
creation. I was with Tania, but was drawn to Karen. Karen was with Garry,
but only through the intervention and manipulations of Tania. Tania
liked me, but in a frivolous, impermanent way. Garrys interest
in both of them was a distant curiosity, as if he were watching it all
on television. We all knew each other, but had never been together in
this context. We hadnt learned the mechanics of our group. As
bass notes sailed over our heads like a battleship salvo, we pressed
various conversational buttons experimentally, vainly trying to figure
out how the damn thing worked. We laughed occasionally, but our discomfort
made it seem regrettable.
Karen was pretty, petite, and shy even to her personal adornment. Her
clothes were of light fabric, draped and layered about her. They were
designed as a hiding place, but one that permitted clues to the pleasant
form beneath the wrapping. Her hair also played accomplice to this plan.
Black and thick, it intruded upon her face. It hung like a curtain,
concealing her forehead to the eyebrows. Her tresses trespassed over
her cheeks, completing a three-pronged maneuver. They crept forth like
jungle lianas, stopping just short of her delicate features, her dark
eyes peering out at the world. Slightly more slender and a little taller
than our trepidatious gypsy was Tania. Her copper-blonde hair was straight
and swept back from her face allowing her feral eyes, etched in black,
to reign. She wore a simple gold dress, tasteful, but not designed to
dissuade. They were equally lovely, but Tania was more comfortable with
her beauty than the other. Then there was Gary. A known local musician,
he was a story in himself. Wed been friends a long time. Between
his local celebrity and his easy-going charm, much came his way. Because
hed suffered so little, he wasnt a man to stand by you.
But he had a pleasing wit and was enjoyable company. And of course there
was I, the intellectual and the observer; a part-time musician who showed
the talents to succeed at almost everything. Unfortunately, I never
did because I hadnt enough love for anything.
That was our group.
We took a break from forcibly trying to hammer out a comfortable conversation
and Karen stepped away to get a better view of the stage. I watched
as she moved closer to the crowd that throbbed like misaligned pistons
to the music. She tilted her head up futilely to see over the throng.
I smiled. She looked so vulnerable; a sparrow among hawks. Then with
the violence of a premonition, my attentions were drawn away. Deep in
the crowd a woman advanced. She was unknown to me, but my eyes swept
over thousands to settle directly upon her. Her hair was pale and long,
meticulously woven into thick corn-rows. She was tall like a man and
her long limbs were emphatic in their movements as she marched/danced
through the swaying copse of humanity about her.
A sexual vibration emanated from within her like a rattlers tail.
It conveyed a threat, but behind that lay a latent promise of something
exquisite, something exotic, something unknown. As she approached I
found she had a somewhat metallic quality. Her hair, eyes, flesh and
clothing all seemed to be cast from a bronze-coloured element, glinting
through the infrequent gaps in the natural patina of reality. Flesh
or fabric, they were all variations of the same colour. I insisted that
evening light is a playful and deceptive thing. It was strange how,
despite the flailing motions of her limbs and hair, she didnt
physically strike anyone as she passed through the dense crowd. She
attracted attention, but no enduring enmity. I watched, logging the
reactions that she was catalyst to as she purposefully pressed on. Expressions
of curiosity, mockery, and annoyance were churned up like the waters
in a boats wake. But within seconds, the crowd collapsed back
in to fill the empty spaces created in her passing, their tranquility
restored as if she had never existed.
She came toward us with avalanche purpose, direct and unstoppable, but
without consciousness of our existence. I waited anxiously. Her path
would bring her very near. I wanted to see the colour of her eyes. I
wanted to see the flash of her skin and teeth from up close. I wanted
to know her smell. I wanted her to seize my hand as she passed and rip
me from my place, dragging me along, explaining nothing, showing me
everything. But she stopped. I nearly jerked with surprise as I looked
for whatever had arrested her movement. It was Karen. She was the tether
that had bound the metal woman. The tall one had stopped without seeing
her, but now, slowly turned her head and looked down into that small
uplifted face. From beneath the veil of her mane, Karen offered a disarming
smile. The other turned to face her directly with two quick cat-like
steps. Then a smile slowly spread across her lips. That was when it
all changed.
Whatever pulled on the corners of that coppered mouth was tearing the
world in two. Her smile should have been formed in a moment. Instead
it was interminably long, my heart grinding out numerous beats while
she slowly bent her mouth into the appropriate shape. The action should
have been accompanied by the creaking and groaning of steel. But in
reality, all sound became liquid, the music of the festival becoming
dull and distant thuds from the bottom of an ocean. The crowd lost its
identity, melding together into an amorphous thing without detail or
consciousness. The world had become one large beast of instinct, reacting
but never acting, all life a limitless protozoa. But it didnt
matter. It was now a separate thing, with its own laws and relationships
with time.
And I had been snatched from that world. But to be placed where? The
woman was now smiling. It was a warm and sharp-edged gesture. She began
to move her head slowly, her face descending toward Karens like
a fishhook on a line. And only I could see. I could see because Id
been granted a window. But it was more than just a window. I wasnt
part of the undulating festival world with a view of the other. I was
more a part of theirs, transfixed to the moment, feeling only what happened
there, inside their bubble. Even the creator of this place did not know
of my involvement. I presume it to be an accident, her universe including
me because I had always been there. When she raised the walls, I was
already inside, my thoughts on them, providing the conduit for her energy
to pass through me and bar the door behind us. Did she intend to kiss
her? What would her lips be like? Would they be warm and soft, or would
they be cold with the taste of iron? Who was this woman with her epileptic
vigour and her bullwhip hair? By what right did she cleave the world
in two? Where did this woman get the power to go about forging small
These things I ask are things I could not ask then, for I was only an
appendage to the world shed created. I could only watch and wait.
No thoughts that pertained to the prior world were allowed entry. I
was granted only a minimal amount of will for, in such a small world,
there was room for no more. After all this time, presuming time had
passed at all, her slender neck had done all it could. Now she slowly
leaned in at the waist, continuing to close the distance between their
mouths. I maintained my vigil, my mind so utterly engaged I could not
form an impression, nor an opinion. I could formulate no theory as to
what was happening, or for what purpose. My feelings toward the two
of them were bleached away. I had been reduced to nothing more than
a video-recorder. They were very close now, their noses nearly touching.
They could smell each others skins. Then, barely perceptibly, Karen
turned her head to the side. Giant shards of the world smashed, silent
and glacial, against the earth. The woman of metal stood straight and
looked down at her, astonished as sounds began to enter once more. I
studied their disparate faces, one painted in shock and the other humble
as my senses awoke. Sounds, loud and celebratory, broke in adding to
the general sensation of apocalypse. Their vibrations hastened the dismantling
of the makeshift world and the stranger no longer held sway.
She stared at Karen, blank and uncomprehending. Then her expression
changed and she joyfully flung a laugh into the air that was swallowed
instantly by the crowd. She turned immediately to follow it, her churning
arms once again creating the impetus of her motion. Within seconds,
that woman whose approach I charted from miles away was lost among the
masses. As I continued to pass my eyes over the crowd in a vain search
to relocate her, I noticed Karen slowly walk back to us, her head bowed.
She must have known that I knew, for she walked straight to my side.
Once there, she raised her head enough to speak. She may have said,
"I think she was going to kiss me." But I could not say for
sure. I only know that I said nothing in return. I could not. While
she may have come back, I was still withdrawing the tendrils that had
penetrated my skin and dusting off the slivers of the tiny world theyd
made. Pieces still clung to my thighs and shoulders and, as I methodically
removed all remnants of where wed been, I dreamily wondered if
I might learn to open other worlds too.
© John Prohaska 2001
email: johnprohaska2000@yahoo.ca
More from John P: The Dogs Of Belen
€ John Prohaska