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International Writers Magazine:
Readers Letters: Reality Check
RESPONSES to James Campion's Column: October 14th 2007
Ahhhh, we wasted no time hoping back on the fence and making light of
and/or perpetuating the skewed, criminally out of focus stereotypes of
those in power (Lindsey Lohan excluded). (WHILE WE WERE AWAY (September
At least you had the good sense to qualify your recriminations of the
current oafs in charge by saying past oafs were no less oafish, but can
you really compare an Alberto Gonzales (8 fed prosecutor firings, no little
Cuban boys ripped from their families and sent back to PR, no attacks
on any Texas religious compounds resulting in the deaths of 80 some people,
wrongfully accusing/prosecuting a private citizen for an Olympics bombing
he didn't commit) with oh say a Janet Reno (96 fed prosecutor firings,
Elian Gonzalez, Waco, and Richard Jewell)? Was James Carville any less
of a bullying nut case than Karl Rove?
As you start your second decade I have to point out yet again that your
column's whole view is based on the poisoned trough with which the mainstream
media ladles out its version of news to the masses. A media whose party
affiliation slams the likes of Larry Craig but dares not investigate how
many hand/blowjobs Barney Frank may or may not have given in an airport
bathroom, or why Hillary continues the Clintonian tradition of accepting
illegal campaign funds while at the same time screaming for campaign finance
reform. So hazah to another 10 years of fence sitting and regurgitation!
Ken Eustace
Mr. Campion,
I also think Lindsey Lohan is a genius. She is one of the more truly interesting
human catastrophes around, because, as you state quite hilariously, it
is not all that alarming. I think much of the exploitation of young and
stupid and wild stars is a result of this asinine "culture war"
all these tight-ass button-downs are always weeping about -- as if every
generation since the dawn of civilization has not had its lion's share
of half-wit, rich and loony freaks who live for good times and drunken
revelry. I think the only reason we know about these people's uninteresting
exploits is we are either trying to celebrate them as some kind of envy
exercise or we need to moralize the planet to death.
The young and the rich are going to likely be crazed, as we would all
be given half the chance and the cash.
Thanks again for never preaching, but calling out those who think it their
Sherry Feinstein
Brilliant. I particularly like your take on Barry Bonds: the reminder
that steroids weren't illegal when he was juicing, and the inherent cheating
factors of baseball. After all, cheating is the national pasttime, and
the winners are those of us who don't get caught--or have a Get Out Of
Jail Free card. We do root for the underdog--but only when he wins, by
any means necessary. As for Rove, yup, the seeds of his failure are his
mistaking his gritty job for some fabled, mythical quest. Self-delusion
is the new fatal flaw in what historians will analyze as the art form
to be known as American Tragedy. Your characterization of Alberto "Fredo"
Gonzales ("the embattled attorney general looked more like a character
out of a Lewis Carroll tea party") is spot on. Speaking of resemblances
to Carroll's works, note the attached engraving from Carroll's epic poem,
The Hunting of the Snark. Here's an excerpt that I think sums up
Rove's quest for a permanent Republican Majority, and his ultimate fate:
They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care;
They pursued it with forks and hope;
They threatened its life with a railway-share;
They charmed it with smiles and soap.
"But oh, beamish nephew, beware of the day,
If your Snark be a Boojum! For then
You will softly and suddenly vanish away,
And never be met with again!"
"It's a Snark!" was the sound that first came to their ears,
And seemed almost too good to be true.
Then followed a torrent of laughter and cheers:
Then the ominous words "It's a Boo-"
Then, silence.
In the midst of the word he was trying to say
In the midst of his laughter and glee
He had softly and suddenly vanished away
For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.
Brad Morrison
Anyone with a minute of basic military education can tell you that Iran
was ALWAYS the goal. (FOUR CORNER PETRAEUS -- Issue: 9/19/07) Make no
mistake about it. I found it strange that while the fight was predominantly
in the north and around Baghdad, there was a heavy armored presence by
the Iranian border. Knowing that American offensive military doctrine
is air superiority and bombing, artillery to soften whatever is left and
then finally infantry supported by armored (or as they call it mechanized
infantry) moves in to mop up any remaining resistance.
We have 2 battle groups out in the Gulf which means there are 2 aircraft
carriers out there chock full of F/A-18 Hornets. So with fighter aircraft
in the gulf, infantry in heavy concentration and armored on the border,
everything is in place for the move on Iran. The only question is when.
Bill Roberts
Let's see JC... Bush, Cheney, Turd, Blossom, and their special interests
cabals dismissed Gen. Eric Shinseki, Colin Powell, Paul Eaton, Jon Baptiste,
Anthony Zinni, Wesley Walker, Asbrazid, Casey, Pace, Spider Marks, and
numerous veteran military generals or special force personal retiring
who spoke their mind since insubordination to the Decider In Chief is
not healthy for long a military career. Bushies cleverly nominated Petraeus
and sold the general to congress and the public. Do you think he would
differ from the Bush Doctrine and their political cronies all jumping
a sinking ship, including press public spin-doctor and faux news commentator,
Tony Snow before the end of the Bush "error" in DC? Four Corner
Petraeus is mimicking and taking the political "cover-up" heat
for the Bushies' legacy in the White House. Move over Harding, Hoover
and Nixon.
Hapa 1234
Send your letter To: realitycheck@jamescampion.com
Media Democracy
James Campion
entire planet is televised, web-cammed, You-Tubed, Google-Earthed, camera-phoned,
amateur-videoed, and 24-hour cable networked. We're being watched.
Corner Petraeus
James Campion
a staggering eighth Oval Office address since the beginning of military
action in Iraq, the president went on to list further benchmarks for a
"return on success" set to unfurl in March 2008
and Kettle Revelations
James Campion
does Idaho Senator Larry Craig have to resign? Tell me. You can't and
he doesn't.
Years of Reflections
James Campion Pt
'Know this, as long as this nation is at war the
truth can no longer be considered an absolute
at the Desk
James Campion
10 Years Of Treachery & Mockery
is not a job description or any kind of reasonable vocation, it is a lifestyle,
no, a malady, no, more like a virus one accepts to live with...
Blame Game
Powerless Senate Debuts Finger-Pointing Show
James Campion
that the latest surge of U.S. troops to Iraq has reduced our boy president
to a cold-blooded murderer,
More Opinion
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