
Talking at Me
Andy Coote
'It isn't over until the fat lady sings and she hasn't even cleared
her throat yet.' Tory Francis Maude
Harry Nillson sang
"Everybodys talking at me but I cant hear a word theyre
I was reminded of the Harry Nillson song by the volume, in both senses,
of the media coverage of the General Election. Perhaps it was caused by
the phony election in April extending the electioneering rhetoric
to breaking point - my breaking point.
Elections are the opportunity for politicians to do what they do best
talk and fight. Party machines crank themselves into action producing
press conferences, conversation opportunities with selected real
people, photo opportunities, sound bites, informal and formal meetings,
speeches, websites, manifestoes and a host of stunts the Labour
film trailer comes to mind and posters. Thousands of politicians
begin their own self-publicity drive as they perform on national, regional
and constituency stages. All of the training of a politician prepares
them for positive preening in front of a grateful electorate. That the
electorate gets less grateful with each General Election should be troubling
The press, of course, can play it from both sides, reflecting the hype
from the Parties and running cynical, world-weary features as well. Some
of our newspapers like to believe that they can deliver the result they
- and, of course, the country - want. This time the Sun is giving Tony
Blair its support but making grumbling noises about Europe, the Mail is
supporting William Hague as is, predictably, the Telegraph. In contrast,
the Guardian is treading a non-partisan, left-leaning line. The BBC and
ITV, required by law to be even-handed, have countless talking heads and
phone-in programmes.
This time there is a new dimension. The World Wide Web is playing a limited
but unique role in the election story. More voters than ever have access
to the Web. The Political Parties, the print press and the broadcasters
are making efforts to engage them through the medium. Not only does the
Web allow the dissemination of news, policies and spin, it also allows
individual voters the opportunity to talk back.
The current Government is evangelising e-Business and e-Government. They
have a junior Minister for each. Tony Blair himself has been gushing on
the subject, his first online experience appearing to be better than sex.
All Government dealings with citizens and businesses are to be available
on-line by 2005 which gives New Labour the time to achieve that goal before
the next General Election should they get the predicted landslide or just
a working majority. Whilst the objective is generally acclaimed it does
involve the opening up of hitherto closed Government departments and joining
them up. Departments and their officials have worked long years
in semi-isolation and see no pressing reason to change. As a result, joined-up
Government may be more difficult to achieve than simply making the technical
connections. (The Guardian newspaper states on June 4th that this deadline
is nowhere near being met).
The Web will continue to change politics. It allows communities
of interest to grow, to develop, to share and to debate. The political
map of the UK naturally lends itself to division into physical communities
such as Regions both devolved and centrally governed and
parliamentary constituencies. It could also divide into interest groupings
around political issues such as crime, asylum, Europe and the New Labour
choices, schools and hospitals. Addressing these constituencies
across the Web will make it possible to give individuals a say in what
Government does. There is a precedent. New Labour have consulted on many
issues in the past four years and some of these have used the Web to allow
citizens and businesses to make their views known.
One current problem with the Web is that it polarises the haves
and have nots. Web users tend to come from the more affluent
and better-educated parts of the community, from those in employment and
from the younger age bands. The Digital Divide within the
UK is as real as that between the developed and developing nations and
must be addressed as part of policies on social inclusion.
Digital TV (DTV) will form a key part of the Governments plan. Chris
Smith has announced the switch off of analogue television services by
2010 at the latest and BSkyB have already decided that 2001 will be the
year that they go fully digital. Recently announced Government schemes
to provide free DTV and interactive services in areas of most need are
likely to become the model for universal digital access in the UK.
For the current election, proxy voting by post has been opened up to anyone
who feels that they have a need. By the next election, proxy voting on-line
using reliable identification techniques should be open to any voter who
wants it over DTV, mobile devices or the Internet. This is entirely in
keeping with the current policies of all the main parties. It should please
the Greens, too, as it will reduce the petrol consumption of voters driving
to the polling stations and reduce the paper required for postal ballots.
By the following election, in 2008 2011, there should be an interactive
link into almost all households in the UK paving the way for a major shift
in the way we vote. To look at where this development might lead us, we
have to remember what it is that we are doing at a General Election. We
are choosing a representative to go to Parliament and speak for us, to
ensure that our views are heard and to report back to us. The reality
is that most of us will elect a Party man or woman whose policies will
come as a slate. If your representative is from the party for which you
vote, at least some of what they do will represent you. If you are voting
in a constituency held by another party, you may consider yourself effectively
disenfranchised. A Conservative voter in Scotland or Wales or a Socialist
in most of the Southern shire counties of England for example have only
the slimmest of chances of being represented directly by their own constituency
Instead of this wholesale approach to representation, we could look to
on-line technology to help. There is no need to mount a logistical exercise
every five years to provide voting cards and polling stations or to have
battlebuses racing heroically around our motorway system.
The electoral roll is now on-line and can be kept current by allowing
the voters themselves to maintain their entry. As voting begins, each
qualified voter can log in and register their vote. Control systems will
check who they are and ensure that they vote only in accordance with the
system in operation. The voting system itself can be easily changed according
to need from, say, one person, one vote to a single transferable vote.
It will be easier to call for voting on a more frequent basis. Government
by on-line referendum may actually change the political landscape. The
information needed to make reasoned decisions can be made available on-line
and through infomedia outlets such as TV programmes supported by additional
text, voice and video. The vote can be taken, confirmed and published
swiftly after the close of the polls. Easy-to-use, reliable technology
will ensure that the result would not be subject to the sorts of problems
the US Presidential election suffered in Florida.
How this will change the structure of Government is uncertain. The role
of Constituency MPs will certainly change. Their representative role will
diminish as voters can represent themselves. They may return to fulfilling
a more community based service of the sort that a few, good MPs already
supply. How Ministers are selected also becomes a matter of debate. Do
they need to be elected politicians? Officials operating in a reformed
and more open, joined up Civil Service that is directly accountable
to the voters could handle much of the policy. The Civil Service could
be subject to frequent movement of people to and from the commercial and
academic sectors and, if that were so, it may be that officials of senior
enough rank and experience could become Ministers of State and Prime Minister.
Would there be enough accountability and oversight?
We could, of course, elect the PM directly perhaps alongside the
President of the Republic - but thats another story.
© Andy Coote 2001 - Andy's first piece for Hacks
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