International Writers Magazine: Comment
Lalita Kakanadan
Emma is disturbed.
She can not face this situation anymore
neither could she
share her problems with anyone! She is in an utter dilemma. She
is a good listener and people often come to her with their problems
as she is excellent in consoling others. Now, she is facing a
precisely, this is a crucial situation in her life!
Though she is a
very cheerful person, always laughing and generating laughter among
the group, she never laughed from her heart! She was the best
friend to many
but, she never had a best friend!
She believed in true love and often dreamed about her Mr.
Right like anyone else of her age. She had a couple of relations
too. Nothing lasted more than a few months.
But, she was sincere always
She tried to change herself to the
convenience of her beloved from time to time. But, she was always a
failure in the matter of love. A bitter experience she once had was
to watch her beloved having sex with her colleague!
She realized that the world was not worth loving or being loved. She
had seen many betrayals and she had consoled many of her friends. Gradually,
she started developing a kind of aversion to the entire male community!
She even came to a conclusion that no man in this world was trustworthy
and none knew the meaning of true love. Men always believed in lust.
They never could differentiate between the two.
Well, at this point, she had to face a number of unavoidable questions
from nears n dears.
She was crossing the age of marriage.
Her family background was excellent with a well educated polished crowd.
All were curious about her being settled. They expected her to choose
her mate because, in her family, that was the custom. And, elders always
stood for the happiness of their children.
Emma was confused, depressed and above all broken to the core
started avoiding family get-to-gethers, even when she knew that she
can no longer continue her life like this. Somewhere down the line she
has to get hooked, willingly or not willingly
she has to share
her life with someone
she has to have her next generation
she has to find happiness in her life
That was the time she came to know about the matrimonial website. One
day quite accidentally, she saw one of her colleagues browsing thru
the profile of a guy. It seemed quite interesting
the way these
guys present themselves. (As if they are going to write bad news about
themselves!) All of them like traveling, trekking, music, reading, swimming,
what not!!! All of them are looking for simple and
lovable girls who can be a mental strength for them
country, education, physical appearance DOESNT MATTER!!"
Emma thought of trying her luck
Her expectations were not too much
a well educated, well mannered
guy who should have fear for God, compassion and love for his fellow
beings and above all he should have a generous mind.
After the vigorous search of two months (well, people do search for
months and months patiently!) she found a guy. An Indian from the Caribbean
Rick Ragubir. Emma started communicating with him. She was slowly getting
carried away by his talks
for he was a good presenter. He knew
how to handle the fragile feminine heart!
He always talked about the poor and homeless children, the greatness
of God almighty and his plans on human being. He talked about the necessity
of offering the hand to those who are standing down the mountain
How can we blame Emma?! Who on this earth would not love and admire
a guy like this?! She thought, he is too good to be on this earth
must have touched his heart and He Himself must have molded it so wonderfully
for the help of the poor and needy.
She was mentally preparing to adapt his way of thinking
and his way of life
One fine day, while she was chatting with him on parlis
the sight which he has introduced to her- she has opened her heart o
him. She could not believe herself when she revealed her love towards
him. She was anxious and curious how easily she could tell him those
three beautiful words
And, like the Good Samaritan, he consoled
her by saying "the Jesus in you like the Jesus in me".
She praised the Lord
at last He has gifted her with the most lovable
guy on this earth.
Days and weeks passed without much complication or confusion. She used
to wait impatiently for him at parlis. Her days started and ended with
his thoughts!
Her priorities in life have drastically changed
Her happiness lied
in his happiness. She religiously repeated those 3 magical words to
him, just to make him aware how deep her feeling is!
He in turn positively replied to her and even mentioned his interest
in her. But, they have to have a personal meeting before finalizing
the future.
Now, God showed them a way
It was the time for our Social
worker to have the annual visit at the children home where he
was a member. So, Emma started the count down. Hardly a month and a
he will be here
next to her.
She started shopping for him. Well, she is crazy when she is in love.
She will do all possible weird things to make her beloved happy. And,
this is a special case
Gods own child
the purest heart
she has ever come across
But, as we know Emma is always a failure
in the matter of love, she can no longer proceed with this
guy. Some or other unexpected problem will pop up. A kind of twist
in the story!
One fine day Mr. Rick stopped chatting with her. He just walked away
from her life. Without any reason
rather, he failed to point out
the reason. In spite of her many mails she could hear not even a single
word from him. She has seen him on parlis regularly. But he kept utter
She became panicked
anxious and surprised to this unpredicted melodrama.
This time, Emma did not want to fail. She thought of fighting the situation
She wanted to unfold the secrets entangled.
Thats how Emma became Sarah. She chose this name to
expose the reality.
The very next day, after an hour long preparation and rehearsal, she
signed on to parlis disguised as Sarah! It was not at all
difficult to start the conversation with Mr. Rick as she expected.
She presented herself as a daring, rough and sarcastic young female,
who has no trust in guys and who always mocked at others.
He started his story the very similar way, the way he has presented
to Emma. When he was telling about the social work he and his fellow
beings do, neither did she show any interest but deliberately mocked
at him by saying, nowadays, social work is the easiest way of
minting money!
When he tried to talk about God, she chopped his views like a butcher!
She was never impressed by these talks, whereas she has started showering
the counter points resembling to the missiles of US army. He failed
to stand the argument, for her arguments were more powerful than the
sword of Hercules! At this point, even Lord Jesus Christ would have
bowed down!
The next day, despite the previous days sour experience, Rick
started the conversation.
This time, he was narrating his past relation once explained to Emma.
Well, now, this is Sarah
she doesnt know the meaning of sympathy!
She is least bothered about consoling some one
She bluntly asked,
who has dumped whom?
He felt offended (thats what her aim was!) and begged her to use
decent words as he is trying to explain his life
asked her to log on to the matrimonial site to look at his picture posted
on it.
But, she didnt show any interest in it! (She has his picture embedded
in her heart!)
And, after watching the snap, she made a wicked comment. She asked him,
whether he has hired the picture of Tom Cruise! She even told him that
he seems to be very unrealistic and weird!
Well, the poor chap was utterly disappointed. Maybe, this is the first
time someone is insulting him to his face. Some ne is looking at him
so suspiciously
Someone is mocking him.
Emma was very clever. She went on-line and tried talking to him as Emma.
She regularly, mailed him in spite of his negligence. And, at the same
time, she was in touch with him as Sarah- his new catch!
This was the dual face of Emma. She could very well manage the two roles!
Now, the situation has reached at its climax.
Rick fell on his knee for this new daring girl. He shamelessly started
telling those three beautiful words to her. He is ready to loose anything
for her. He is ready to do anything for her. The more she avoided him,
the more he bended for her!
He is madly in love with her!
Emma is confused
She is disturbed by the twist in her life
© lalita kakanadan Sept 21st 2006
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