in Paris
John Edwards
...one of the most incongruous things I
saw was Pere Noel peeing in the snow on the Boulevard St. Germain.
Atsitsa on Skyros
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger
A health spa on a Greek island run by an American therapist based in London?
Jaws of a Dilemma
Tony Fosgate
I am bobbing about in a tiny boat in the middle of the Indian Ocean, its engines cut so that the only sound is that of the choppy waters slashing at its sides.

James Campion 12.14.24
A farewell from Reality Check

Everything Must Go
Sam North 12.10.24
25 Years on we're finally shutting up shop
It’s About Time
Walli F. Leff
As New Year’s Eve approached, we mulled over how we might celebrate this hedonic fiesta of bidding the time past good-bye ...

Speaking Ulysses in America
Chris Daly 12.1.24
Bloomsday readings across the States
A Comfortable Silence
Tyrel Nelson
We haven’t seen each other in four years ... or actually been face-to-face since the spring after my pop died.