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••• The International Writers Magazine 2024 - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel - 25+ years on-line
* Thanks for reading us and to our contributors. We remain archived for now
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

Paris Christmas
Noel in Paris

John Edwards

...one of the most incongruous things I saw was Pere Noel peeing in the snow on the Boulevard St. Germain.

Atsitsa on Skyros
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

A health spa on a Greek island run by an American therapist based in London? 

Jaws of a Dilemma
Tony Fosgate

I am bobbing about in a tiny boat in the middle of the Indian Ocean, its engines cut so that the only sound is that of the choppy waters slashing at its sides.

James Campion
James Campion
A farewell from Reality Check

That's All
Everything Must Go

Sam North
25 Years on we're finally shutting up shop
It’s About Time
Walli F. Leff

As New Year’s Eve approached, we mulled over how we might celebrate this hedonic fiesta of bidding the time past good-bye ...

Leopold Bloom
Speaking Ulysses in America
Chris Daly 12.1.24

Bloomsday readings across the States

A Comfortable Silence
Tyrel Nelson

We haven’t seen each other in four years ... or actually been face-to-face since the spring after my pop died.

REVIEWS Film & Books
Mrs. Havermill isn't as fast as she used to be
Peter Barlow's festive story

Morning comes too early for her tastes.  She feels as if she hasn’t slept at all ...

White Moths Fluttering
Susan Dale

Above the indentation in the earth, the trees and the underbrush shifted position: all together and at the same time. There was a great sound like the earth heaving.

The Repercussions of Tomas D
The Imperial Culture Museum
The Making of a hero in a changed world

hat Day
James Carey takes a road trip to nowhere
Martin Green

They had a tacit agreement that the fewer the people who knew about their lunches the better
Just Another Tourist
Bruce E. Pohlmann
'Being alone is being alive, being alive is being alone.‘
Paul Theroux, My Secret History

Confessions of a New York City Steet Peddler
Dr. Howard Karlitz
"this is it, the big one! I'm going to sell Picasso T-Shirts at the Museum of Modern Art this summer."

If you see one movie this winter make sure it's FLOW - one cat against the odds during a massive flood
Silence by Endo
by Shusaku Endo

Review by Jessica Schneider
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo
Adult Spanish historical fiction from the magical world of Bardugo

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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