
The International Writers Magazine: UK West Country
of Dartmoor
Natalya Popova
It has always been my great desire to follow the imaginary steps
of Sherlock Holmes chasing up the terrifying beast of Baskervilles
just west of Yew Alley. When living in Russia such a dream seemed
not less fantastic than a flight to the Moon. But whats stopping
me now, living just next door in Dorset, from going to Dartmoor?
Nothing really. So were we are? Devon! Devon! Devon! And
before we went, I visited the local library to borrow a book on
the county - what else is so special of the place?
Plenty! To my surprise it appeared that Devon is not only about
the bleak moor and muddy marsh (Dartmoor National Park covers an
area of some 365 square miles and rises to a height of more than
2000 feet above sea level) it is also about spectacular,
mainly wild, coastline, picturesque little villages and ancient
market towns.
Photo: View from Steps Bridge |
The nearest seaside
village to us in Dorset is Beer. The village, as most of the places
lying along the Devon coast, has a long history of smuggling. Why is
it called Beer? the guide-book didnt say. The town is famous
for lace making (beautiful trimmings for Queens Victorias wedding
dress came from Beer with love) and quarrying (Beer stone has been excavated
since Roman times and used in construction of many buildings, and not
only in Devon even for St Pauls and at the Tower of London)
no reference to beer making though. Caves, recently re-opened,
can be explored during special guided tours.
A bit further along the coast the proud town of Torquay. We decided
not to upset ourselves by going there just for a day as the guide-book
offered 6 pages on the town. So this is number ONE for our next (6 day?)
visit to Devon. First I heard of the place on "EastEnders",
when Dot and Jim received a very kind wedding present from Phil - a
honeymoon in Torquay. I was very much impressed by Phils generosity
honeymoon in Turkey! "No, Torquay!" corrected me my
husband "A resort in Devon". And apparently, Torquay
is the "first class gentle resort of shining white villas spread
across, like Rome, seven hills" and nestling among dark green trees.
Given (or self appointed?) the title "The English Naples",
at one time it could boast more royal visitors per square mile than
the most pretentious resort elsewhere. The town is also well known as
the birth place of Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller (Agatha Christie), where
can now be found her memorial room in the Abbots Tower at Torre
Abbey. Also Torquay hides (who would only think of!) one of Britains
most important Palaeolithic sites a cave where dwellers lived
some 30,000 years ago (believed to be the oldest known residents in
Europe). Shopaholics wont be disappointed too there are
attractions for them, such as Bygones recreation of Victorian
street shops and loads of others. (This all might well be a terrible
exaggeration - reader be warned Naples it is not) Ed
So-so, intrigued and determined not to lose any more of valuable ltime,
we are heading to Devon right now, by car, just for a day. We
packed the car with ourselves my husband, my son, my dog (would
love to take one, but no dog, unfortunately). Seemed very natural to
take one to Devon though
, might be because of expectations of
a space full of wind of the freedom (just like on a flight to the Moon).
Ok, Ill be running, excited, up and down the hills instead of
a dog. "Dont forget the camera!" yes, and the
camera. Food no packed lunches we are looking forward
to eating in one of those cosy country pubs serving something traditionally
well see.
Taking the coast all the way to the West, along the coastline
past Poole, Dorchester and Lyme Regis and further on it's two
hrs drive from door to moor.
Just over the last Dorset hill leaving Lyme behind, the next Devon hill
brighten up onto us and looked much greener (???) than the one just
left behind. My husband happily said: "You see, there is something
about this place - it rains more, and the grass is a lot jucier here".
Green hills were pinned up with sheep- this was another, agricultural
visible difference from Dorset.
Following signs to Dartmoor all the way along, we arrived to its eastern
banks (just passed a charming village of thatch cottages Dunsford) and
stopped at Steps Bridge across the river Teign. We greatly enjoyed a
peaceful view from the bridge (constructed in 1816, according to a plaque
on it) on a "step"-like waterfall. (The guidebook promised
plenty of "impressive" waterfalls here we are
this was the one. Not Niagara, but there were signs of a mill race so
it might well have once served as a source of energy for a watermill.)
Two little islands in the middle of the river were much loved by ducks.
Every way off the bridge invited for an exploration walk up through
Bridford Wood, or across open farmland, or along the river into a Nature
reserve (owned by the National Trust) full of wildlife in its wide varieties.
Also a nice looking hotel on a riverbank welcomed: "Devon Cream
Teas" and then not very: "Open July".. Oh, never mind
Our next stop on a way further onto the moor was Moretonhampstead
"Gateway to East Dartmoor". The town appeared to be not as
big and pretentious as it sounded - nice and cosy though. First people
we met in the town, a father with three kids, were sort of "Sherlock
Holmes" type dressed up - in their raincoats, big hats and long
boots. They looked as they were pretty much ready to live on the wild
moor, let alone walk on it. How else would you dress up? Dartmoor is
probably one of the few places in England that has hardly changed at
all since the times of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle a map of the moor
is still not overcrowded with the places and "between and around
these scattered points extends the desolate, lifeless moor"- gloomy,
bleak and preserved. (Apparently this spine-chilling story was inspired
by Conan Doyles Dartmoor guide, one Harry Baskerville).
The moment, next to entering Moreton (this is how locals call the town),
we realised that our old Beetle (140,000 miles on the clock, still bopping
along merrily) was running out of petrol. "No problem!"- we
thought, enthusiastically. We gave a couple rounds around the town
no mention of any petrol station. (No Tescos how do they live
We finally stopped and asked. A woman with a strong Devonshire accent
revealed a great regret in her voice: "Oh, you are not local!"
And we learnt that the nearest petrol stations were - 8 miles Princetown
way and 3 miles Okehampton way. Although very tempting, to stay on a
safe side weve decided to go towards Okehampton in case
of a "surprise" sign on the Princetown petrol station: "Open
July". A perspective of spending a Halloween night in the heart
of the moor was not less flattering than, lets say, on a cemetery,
I suppose. So next stop petrol station near Okehampton
(there happened to be three of them next to each other, all open
so somethings changed since 19th century here).
Then, having a full tank and driving to Okehampton, we turned into a
very narrow path signposted: "Torr Down" standing next to
the "No speed limit" sign (must be for locals or the psychic
We were just crawling along the zigzagging road, and came to the pretty
village of Belstone. The village happened to be a real treasure -its
former chapel houses the Post Office, its church dates back to the 13th
century, and a path from the village leads up to the ancient standing
stone circle well known as Nine Dancing Maidens.
On arrival, we, of course, turned our steps onto the deep moor to find
the magic circle. There are many mysterious legends surrounding the
construction. One of them suggests that the stones dance every night
at noon, which we absolutely trusted, with no desire to stay overnight
and check the legend. We very much enjoyed our walk around, but unfortunately
did not get to the magic circle. But there were a lot of stones of various
shapes, sizes and positions scatted around as not just after
a dance - after a tiring long night out. Local fauna consisted of one
wandering (or just living there) sheep. The further we climbed, the
wetter was the ground - bizarre effect. This was when I regretted not
wearing the boots. Fresh air flooded through my opened up lungs into
every cell of my body. I wasnt feeling tired at all, even
on our return home.
Despite Dartmoor being so attractive there were no Devon postcards
on the petrol station. Neither I could see a letterbox on the moor side
we walked along (to find one was my another ambition). First established
by the famous Dartmoor guide James Perrot for his Victorian clients,
special letterboxes now amusingly scatter the moor.
When going back to the car, I stopped and asked a young woman (to my
husbands mortification, as a man never asks, you know) if she
knows where the letterboxes were I wanted, if not to post a letter,
to take a picture of a letterbox. Open glance, strong and confident
posture looking and tired and rested at once after her walk, she
was sorting out her car ready to go. She was very much confused at such
a silly question, and asked her mother: "Mother, there is a woman
from.." "Where are you from?" "From Russia she
read in a book of post-boxes on the moor." Old woman replied "Yes,
there are a lot!
.But the moor is hu-u-uge
On the edges of this true wildness such independent characters of England
as famous Elizabethian seafarers Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis
Drake were raised. Yes, the wild coast needs separate detailed exploration
(another day- trip, with a dog next time?). Whatever you say
there are only benefits in local holidays its educational, healthy,
easy, cheap and fun - sometimes its just around the corner from
e-mail : ferganavalley
at aol.com
© Natalya
November 2004
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