The International Writers Magazine: Lifestyle Gurus
Dani Girl
Roy Valenzuela
When scrolling through the many faces of the google plus community I stumbled upon a little over two years ago, enticements, alluring's, and well nigh even downright beckoning's would flash at the top of my Gmail screen. I mainly ignored the irritant until I was slightly hooked and just had to take a look... This is the first image that confronted me........bamb!!
My first impression of Google plus was that it must be some sort of online billboard site, a free advertisement medium/segue for 'young' entrepreneurs who could not afford traditional methods of 'Ad' making...I remember thinking to myself - perhaps/ perhaps not...
Nevertheless, the image was intriguing enough to make me click on the photo. You see I assumed she was a model, a 'young' college student studying graphic design, management, taking acting courses, whom fancies herself - properly mind you, dreams unrealistic grandiose dreams, wants both guys and gals to sit up and take notice, and will in the least capture her persona for the world to see, for an instant as the 'net' permits, while her youth ebbs away with the passage of time...
Well for all of you who know Dani Stevens, whom I've affectionately dubbed 'Dani girl', who have followed her faithfully because of her practical, efficient, and passionate approach to health and fitness,her empathetic and loving respect/regards' for struggling men/woman/and children, and know of and support Danis philanthropy and numerous appeals for contribution to research that will help address/come to terms with the very real ill's of the world....
For all of you who have taken a looksee at her beginnings when she first, in rudimentary fashion, set up this Blog not so very long ago, posted pictures of her very pregnant self, spoke frankly of her burgeoning family with a loving husband to come alongside, was daring/vulnerable in her pic selection, whom boldly challenged the Ausie community to 'A new and living Way', whom exposed her struggles with sugar-and chocolate to be precise,whom wanted a voice, like any other voice, to whisper a word of encouragement in the ears of forlorn spirits....
For all of you who knew better than I, whom was pleasantly surprised when I read clearly, with eyes wide open, that she is not a college student with fledgling thoughts, daydreams of a future not real and impractical, an aspiring actor with an unnatural craven spirit, but who is kind, very kind, thoughtful, considerate, has a peculiar ear as she listens closely, whom challenges us for her own betterment, dons a brilliant smile revealed in the faces of her four darling children and happy husband, post the ingredients and mixing instructions of healthy meals painstakingly prepared for us to see, knows nothing of self aggrandizement, and is not a 'Young' twenty something but a very bright, Nicole Kidman like mature Lady who has recaptured youth through wise prudent living and cell reviving zest that infects all whom she comes in contact with.....
For all of you who are aware know that it's a good picture. Look again and see,.. It's a very good picture because it does not belie facts or the truth; it does not contradict or misrepresent...
It is an image of emblems, shards of glass that represent an ideal person, a woman, wife, and a mother...
How do we all know this... well just look and see how her star has risen in Victoria and sores higher each day in the land of the kangaroo, on the world wide net, in the beaming smiles of her 'chillins',with the sponsorship that is willing to take a chance on a mother with unabashed poise, and whose star we have become fond of because she lives beyond the 'individual' and lives for we individuals....
Who am I?...just someone who wants to ride a bit of her wake to help me temper my own ways as a professional in the fitness arena... I've followed and listened keenly for new perspective as I attempt to conceptualize my own approach to fitness and health....My name is Roy Valenzuela and I hope to share some of my own thoughts on daily living as I've experienced some of Dani Girls trickled down fairy dust....
But first kudos to you Dani for your selflessness and remember my first words to you where I needed to know how woman think on these things as I attempt to integrate into this field and identify my role in an ever changing fitness industry?.....I've heard you loud and clear and thank you kindly, very kindly for this rewarding ride Dani Girl!...
Wouldn't you all agree?...
Dani Stevens is the founder of 'Fitness Food and Style'. Her blog site has garnered tremendous recognition in her home land of Australia with numerous sponsors to boot. She is a growing voice that is effectively contributing to wholesome living at home and abroad.... Why even the billionaire Richard Branson has recognized her prowess...
Roy Valenzuela is a personal Trainer/ free lance writer/ master carpenter residing in Chattanooga Tn. who uses his skills/talents to work with young and old alike, introduces them to fitness and health through practical application, uses carpentry as a natural part of his regiment, and expects his pupils to infect others with their new found fitness/carpentry skills ...
© Roy Valenzuela 2014
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