International Writers Magazine: Canadian Food

La Fete Des Saveurs
a Gastronomic Event
Habeeb Salloum
It seemed to
be a confusing mob scene as the elite of Quebecs Charlevoix
gourmet region milled around, some arguing, some gossiping, some
discussing politics while others were simply enjoying themselves
at La Fête Des Saveurs held at École secondaire du
Plateau a cooking teaching establishment. Hosted by the
Table Agrotouristique de Charlevoix, it was the fourth annual
celebration by this eco-friendly organization, which draws some
250 annual participants.
Charles Roberge,
our Sheppard for the evening smiled watching me survey the packed crowd
waiting to enter the dining hall saying, "Everyone of any importance
in Charlevoix is here tonight. Its an event no one likes to miss."
During the two days that I had spent in Charlevoix it seemed to me everyone
was talking about La Fête Des Saveuers and its food offerings.
No doubt the chefs of the area were at the same time mulling in their
minds ideas about their contributions, and about those who had bought
tickets for the event of the fine foods they would soon be enjoying.
Soon we were seated in a large dining hall sipping on our wine and sampling
some of the best food to be found in food-loving Charlevoix one
of the prime culinary areas in Canada. Some half a dozen chefs and seven
other acting as interm sous-chefs from the region had volunteered their
time and skill for this fundraising event, promoting Charlevoix as an
important part of the gastronomic world. Now we were enjoying their
culinary creations.
growers and producers and thirteen Charlevoix establishments sponsored
the event as well as providing the chefs for the occasion. During
the banquet each guest on the table of ten was given a menu and
they could exchange menus when they picked up their food from a
large serving hall. This gave each one the chance to savour the
foods of his/her choice. Dominic Labbé, President of the
Table Agrotouristique de Charlevoix, explained that, "together
as in the past guests from each table discover the different products
and ingredients." |
The appetizers were
mouth-watering. Beer and Honey Marinated Brochette of Duck with Gâteau
à la LOrange, Lamb and Migneron Papillote with Caramelized
Onions and Port, Marinated, Seared and Simmered Beef Blade La Marre
à la Charcutière with Julienned Winter Vegetables and
Raclette of Hercule were three of the 24 dishes, which according to
Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieus chef Jean-Michel Breton, had been
prepared to titillate the taste buds in anticipation of the five-course
dinner to come.
I looked around to see that everyone seemed to be enjoying the appetizers
amid laughter and jokes, apparently having forgotten the $125.00 each
guest had to pay to attend the event. Harmony appeared to be all around
as we gorged ourselves on delicious food and super wines.
the time that the main course came around I was too sated to do
it justice. Before me I surveyed my attractively decorated dish:
Agneau de Charlevoix en Crépinette au Migneron de Charlevoix
et Oignon Carmélisé au Porto Sauce aux Herbes de Provence.
I nibbled a bit then, even though I knew that more was yet to come,
because of its taste and allure I dug into it, savouring every morsel.
However, as time
passed I rested and sipped on my wine for a while and was able to sample,
to some extent, the local cheeses such as Le Migneron, Suisse Vielli
de la Fromagerie St-FidèLHercle del la Laiterie Charlevoix,
La Tomme dElles et Le Secret de Maurice and de la Maison daffinage
Maurice Dufour. Handmade, they all had something unique to recommend
When the desserts, to mention a few, Panna Cotta dHercule, Biscuit
Glacé and Tourbillon au Vin de Glace came around my eyes could
only longingly feast on them - the amount and variety of food had overwhelmed
All in all it was a delightful gastronomic repast that I am sure everyone
thoroughly enjoyed. As one of the local participants explained: "Its
a feast featuring the best foods in Charlevoix that will be much talked
about in the days to come. Come next year and I am sure it will be much
"Much better!" I thought to myself. "It cannot be! How
can one consume or enjoy more fine food than that in which we had gloried
that evening?"
Two Good Places to Stay and Dine in Charlevoix:
Auberge La Muse, 39, Saint-Jean-Baptiste St., Baie-Saint-Paul, Charlevoix,
G3Z 1M3. Tel.: (418) 435-6839 / 1 800 841-6839. Fax: (418) 435-6289.
E-mail: lamuse@lamuse.com
Website: www.lamuse.com
Auberge des 3 Canards, 115, Côte Bellevue, La Malbaie ( Pointe-au-Pic
) Québec G5A 1Y2. Tel: 418 665-3761 / 1 800 461-3761. Fax: 418-665-4727.
Email: info@auberge3canards.com Website: http://www.auberge3canards.com
For Further Information. Contact:
Tourisme Québec: for complete tourist information Québec,
call: (514) 873-2015 or toll free: 1-877-363-7777, or visit web the
site: www.bonjourquebec.com
or http://www.bonjourquebec.com/ca-en/charlevoix0.html
© Habeeb
Salloum May 2008
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