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Order The Repossession
by Sam Hawksmoor

Joint winner of The Wirral
+ Bronze Winner of the
Amazing Book Award


'Smart, dark and graceful,
will send chills down your

Evie Seo - Bookish Blog

Read the sequel:

The Hunting out now

The International Writer's Magazine:
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Fred C Wilson 111

Algeria's cities are quaint, exotic, mysterious and hot.
Atsitsa on Skyros
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

A health spa on a Greek island run by an American therapist based in London?
Hunger Artist in Hoi An (Vietnam):
John M. Edwards

The Old Town is caught in time, a dragonfly in amber...
The Journey to Pai
Kevin O'Donnell

Occasionally I get a stark reminder that I’m a bit out of my depth
Road Trip to Leh
Paul Robinson

Our two-day journey into Indian Tibet began, sleepily, on an overcast and drizzly morning in Manali, Himachal Pradesh
American Samoa
Fred C. Wilson III

American Samoa’s total land mass is a mere 76 square miles... and is home to 95% of its 65,000 plus residents.
I Know Why the Mona Lisa Smiles...
Dan Beckmann

I’ve been to Paris several times. Even lived there for a brief period. But my first trip was the experience I remember most
Cuisine Minceur
John M. Edwards
explores the popular Foodie movement of “Cuisine Minceur” (small food), invented in Les Landes, France, wherein gullible gourmands counting calories get much less food for much more money. . . .
The Balcony Farmer

A few months ago I planted tomatoes in the small balcony of my house in Bangalore, India.

Stop & Frisk
James Campion

Crime, Freedom & The Urban Myth
Print, Bravery & The Aquarian Weekly 08.23.13
James Campion

What I’m about to write is way overdue. It should have been written five years ago, maybe ten; the weeks, months and years get hazy after awhile.
New York City Blues
Dean Borok
For a hugely Democratic city like New York to regularly cough up Republican hairballs is an indication of the emotional dysfunction of its ruling classes
Exam Board Anxiety
Lily Chamberlain

The UK's exam boards are sacrificing students' wellbeing to save money. But what else can we expect of shady, unaccountable private companies?
The Sanctity of Cool: and the threat of modern hipsterism- R.J. Cowan
The fashion of the hipster is paramount, as there’s nothing more
A Case for Stronger Institutions
Dakuku Peterside

I wonder what Nigeria would look like without watchdogs like Transparency International that continually reminds us about the way we are.
A Country Mourns
James Skinner in Galicia

Train Crash a symptom of malaise
Nixon Reassessed
James Morford

In l946 Richard Milhouse Nixon as a new Congressman gravitated into our frontal lobes, remained in residence for decades, and aged as an intense memory. He died in l994.

Invitation to a Thai funeral
Sue Avison

It was mid-morning and the temperature was climbing faster than I could bike up the narrow road.
El Watusi
Dean Borok

I finally figured out a system for keeping my feet moving at Lorenz Latin Dance Studio’s Friday night dance party...
Japan upon Reflection
M Webb

A reflection on any country is persona. I just want to try and give you an idea of how it was for me.
Hoard of Memories
Walli F. Leff

When we went down to retrieve our goods we were sucked into a time warp.
Krakow to Auschwitz: A Fusion of History - Valery Collins
How often do we use the phrase ‘it is against my principals’?  I remember using it the first time I visited Krakow...
Avoiding Couples in Bruges
Paul-Christian Markovski

They have a tendency to cluster by the small chocolateries
Weiner Rules
Dean Borok

I’m still inspired by the classic arts of seduction, if I only could meet some women who could appreciate that sort of attention
The Lone Writer
Roy Valenzuela

There is an art form to the genre of the 'article' that is far removed from the beauty of yesteryear
Playing With Time
One small thing can change everything
The Better Patriot
Umm-e-Aiman Vejlani

It’s a funny thing, patriotism. I must have been born with some sort of planetary mayhem in my natal charts
REVIEWS Film & Books

In Nomine Patris  II
Oswaldo Jiminez

Soon after Father Olson arrived at the school, rumors about him had began to surface.
The Bone Crusher
Leroy B. Vaughn

“Las Vegas, here I come,” Bill Heart said as he crossed the Nevada state line. He was one cool dude, he admitted to himself as he ran a comb through his slicked backed, sun bleached hair
The Olympian Ghosts
Abigail George

Books have cogs, wheels (a mix of that). They tasted like berries on her mouth, to her wanderer’s soul. In her dreams her feet must touch land. But tonight all she can see is the river’s unbending wall
Nail Art
Michelle D'costa

We either hide from ourselves or from others. Kanav hid from himself as well as the world. His left hand’s small finger was very different from the rest of his nine fingers
The Adulterer
Martin Green

“Who’s the other woman?”
As Tim Holcomb had expected, the split up of Nick and Sue was the main topic of conversation at the Windsors’ barbecue

Tomas D
The Repercussions of Tomas D
The Making of a hero
Extract: Chapter Nine
Gabriella discovers a terrible truth
Working With an Editor
Sam Hawksmoor

Building a trusting relationship helps
The Twin
Jude C Perera

Her wail stabbed his ears, it irritated Chris, it sounded subhuman. It was a very public display of a very private process, he was grieving too. But he never showed it, couldn’t or didn’t want to, he wasn’t sure
On a Clear Day I Can See ‘til Dinner Time- Oswaldo Jimenez
Adam saw the world unfolding before his eyes without any regard to what he was feeling or sensing. It ( the world) was oblivious, uncaring, unavoidably present, yet foreign to him.

Montreal Film
56 Up

Dan Schneider review

Watching Michael Apted’s latest installment in the great The Up Series...sees a film that is an exercise in expectation and disappointment
Director & Writer: Neill Blomkamp
Sam Hawksmoor review

Being a big fan of District 9 I approached Elysium with enthusiasm ... LA in 2054 is every bit as depressing as one would suspect it will be
The Gardener From Ochakov by Andrey Kurkov, translation by Amanda Love Darragh- Charlie Dickinson review
Given my satisfaction with his earlier work, I pre-ordered Ukrainian novelist Andrey Kurkov's latest in English translation. I was not disappointed.
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

Holly Black

Sam Hawksmoor review
The moment I saw that this was by Holly Black, author of the wonderful 'White Cat', I wanted to read Coldest Girl and Holly Black doesn’t disappoint, she smacks you in the eye from the very first page

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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