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The Curse of the Nibelung -
A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
by Sam North

'Chocolate will never be the
same again'
- Sunday Express
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The International Writer's Magazine: Our Eleventh Year - August 2010- Welcome from Europe
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Chilling in Chiloe
Tim Robinson

I was in Ancud on the island of Chiloe, the first sizable town encountered after crossing by ferry from mainland southern Chile.
Five Easy Pizzas
John M Edwards
Ever since I saw Jack Nicholson in a film, Five Easy Pieces, where he goes ballistic in a diner because the waitress won’t make changes on their set sandwich orders, I’ve been a stickler on having my food done right.
Going Walkabout in Iceland
William Carne

How do you react when a dream begins to materialize? When it leaves the comfort of the mind and becomes merciless reality? Me? I sleep like a baby.
A Great Galloping Getaway
Jane Cassie

It’s been a few years since I’ve straddled a saddle. Do I still have enough core power to ride the range?
Salt Shaker Museum
Derek Workman
The next time you knock over a salt cellar and throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder to ward off bad luck, bear in mind that those few white grains would at one time have formed part of someone’s wages.

Victory for Liberty & Justice - James Campion + Readers Responses
God bless America. It is the greatest nation on the planet, for its governed by the rule of law and not that of majority moral conviction, religious fervor or the whims of the elite or the blather of ignorance and fear.
What do I have to do around here to get a drink?
- Dean Borok
My girlfriend, Magpie, is a very moralistic person. She is convinced that the individual can make a difference in constructing a more wholesome world. Unfortunately all her efforts at reform are centered upon me.

Jonathan’s Pledge for N20 Billion Red Cross Appeal Fund
Odimegwu Onwumere
The extrajudicial killings in Nigeria is spreading gradually without any strong measure in place to abate the ugly trend

Forget International Justice: Africa should rebuild her own
Ronald Elly Wanda  
The beginning of June saw Uganda’s capital Kampala, play host to the first ever Review Conference of the Rome Statute, International Criminal Court(ICC).
Over the Moon for Orange Cows: Easing the Plight of Vietnamese Farmers
David Calleja
A familiar children’s nursery rhyme is famous for telling the tale of a cow jumping over the moon. But what about the villagers who jumped over the moon when a herd of cows arrived?
Phuket's Annual Ritual of Pain
Jules Kay

It may be known as one of Thailand's top tourist spots. A place to escape to the beach, drink cocktails and party the night away, but Phuket also has a more spiritual side.
Desert Search
Tom Coote

As we clattered through the Kyzylkum desert in the battered shared taxi, the driver reached across and offered me some pills.When I asked him what they were, he shrugged.
REVIEWS Film & Books
John Tompkins

“I’m just pulling onto route 93 North,” said Stan. He was talking to his sister Heather, the twin, who was already at the spot. “Look I’m driving, I can’t talk right now.”

The Spy Who Stiffed Me
Robert Latona

I never could figure out why Greville Wynne hired me to ghost-write an account of his life and career as a spy -- of those parts the public hadn’t already heard about following his release from Moscow’s notorious Lubyanka prison in 1964, long before we met.
The Windup Girl
Paolo Bacigalupi
Sam North
Brilliant insight into our terrifying future after a population crash. Stunning and vivid biogenetic noir.
The Thief-Taker’s Apprentice
by Stephen Deas
Gollancz (19 Aug 2010)
Clare Sager review
Stephen Deas’ The Thief-Taker’s Apprentice is a difficult book to review: on the one hand, I finished and even enjoyed it, but on the other hand, it was a frustrating read at times. 
Recommended: The Forest of Hands & Teeth by Carrie Ryan - Terrific scary and beautifully written YA novel with zombies.
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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