An Insufferable Trip
Cassidy Sommer
Our four-day trip to Arizona from South Carolina started with my getting infectious mononucleosis. For the few of you who don’t know, that’s the kissing virus.
in Africa, Mother Knows Best
David Russell
"Well stop here", whispered our driver, Meiza. Here,
being the side of a dirt road late one afternoon while returning
to camp from an afternoon game drive on the Serengeti.

It Happened at Little Big Horn
Bonnie Devet 7.8.19
Time haunts the Little Big Horn. On top of Last Stand Hill ... sits an obelisk, the kind Victorians loved to raise during the 19th century in order to honor the dead.
Fraser Island Outrage
Tom Coote
Life on the bus and other stories
Daniel Cann
We arrived late, tired and dishevelled at the Prince of Wales
Backpackers in Bundaberg. Enquiries like So how is it here?
were met with muted derision and raised eyebrows

The Woodstock Miracle &
The Aging of Aquarius
August 15th-18th 1969
James Campion 8.11.19
During the weekend hours that passed in that field in Bethel, New York, the world got to see the best of the human spirit – not by conquest or violence, our favorite pastimes, but sharing, caring, singing and imbibing. Lots and lots of imbibing.
Tinsel Town Terror & The Demonizing of the Drug Culture
James Campion 8.2.19
One Night in Hollywood
In the wee hours on the morning of August 9, 1969 four ragamuffin refugees from the California commune/cult acid culture hijacked by a lunatic thirty-four year-old con man, pimp murderer, Charles Milles Manson slipped over the high steel black fencing of 10050 Cielo Drive, Benedict Canyon, Los Angeles. |
Hatred On Parade
James Campion
The Rise of White Nationalism & the Ongoing Threat of Domestic Terrorism 8.16.19
It has been clear from day-one that Donald Trump is working on some level of racial paranoia

Oh to be a Nun
Tabitha Towe
Confessions of an ex party girl
Simian Bonds
Dean Borok
Excuse me for stating the obvious, but marriage is for idiots, OK? Modern romantic love was created as a showbusiness gimmick by French poets and troubadours
at the lake
Eric D Lehman
When I was sixteen, my brother Andy and I hiked up the summer Sierra
in the backcountry near Lake Tahoe. Our parents had left us with
two water bottles and worried instructions to stick to the trail