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••• The International Writers Magazine 2024 - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel - 25 years on-line
Travel stories
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How we live

Old Books
More Than We Bargained For
Chloe Rector
The road to the bookstore snakes through the Great Smoky Mountains. The deeper into the curves we go, the more we think we may never see civilization again.

Palace Royale Square
The Beauty of Saxophones in the Storm
Lily Nichols
One windy evening in Quebec City

All Alone in Macau
Tabytha Towe

Lonesome travels in China
Tumbleweed Journey
Mia Efantis

Russian thistle is what drove me to the Grand Canyon this time. That big, bushy weed you’ve seen bouncing across the silver screen in old western films. 

Mike Johnson
Mr. Johnson Goes to Washington

James Campion
Speaker of the House’s Jimmy Stewart Hollywood Mythmaking
- Speaker Johnson has undergone a Saint Paul on the road to Damascus moment.

Urban Cities and Seniors:
Why Retirement Homes Aren't the Only Option

Indiana Lee

Living in a city can offer seniors a better and healthier life with access to so much more than they would have if they were placed in a retirement or nursing home.

The Remaining Anachronism
Tom Kilcourse

Odd as it may seem, there is no clear dividing line between the private sector of medicine and the monolithic NHS


Pro-Choice Rising
James Campion 4.26.24
The Rapid & Continued Ascension of the 2024 Election’s Primary Issue

Out There in Auroville

Viva Sarah Press
'It isn't what I expected.'

Letters from Belize
Caroline Ervin

The bus creaked off in the direction of the orphanage, and I saw a land so beautiful that I wanted the ride through it to last forever

Reading - New York
Matt Allison

I had Naked Lunch in my backpack. Waiting for a subway in Queens I opened this novel and read the first few pages...
Travels with Mathias in the Yucatan
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

“We were told,” said Mathias, “that this is the entrance to the underworld.” 
REVIEWS Film & Books
First Kiss
My First Kiss

Katie Tatela
Curiosity. Why are boys so drooly? I never wanted a boy to kiss me my entire life.
Sacramento Spring 
Martin Green

In recent weeks I’d been thinking a lot about my secretary Jane Harper and now here she was.  “Mind if I join you?” she asked.
Restoration of Ami
Extract from 'The Restoration of Ami'
Father Tresor
Sam Hawksmoor 4.1.24
The morning after Ami went missing...
The Bet
Peter Leonowitz
"Don’t think you’re talking to an idiot because you’re not talking to an idiot."

Promethean Mystique De La Femme
James Campion 3.23.24

In Praise of Poor Things
Yorgos Lanthimos’s Poor Things is a masterpiece of filmmaking ...
9-Directed by Shane Acker
This is simply the most amazing, wonderful, visually stunning and thrilling movie for kids ever. Seek it out.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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