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El Totumo mudwalk
Lost in Translation: Learning the Cartagena Hustle
Ashley Harvey

We carefully crawl our way to the top of the mud volcano; sunscreen, clay, fresh water wafting in the air. It’s a frenzy
The Next Backpacker Destinations
Tom Coote

The more adventurous travellers will often go to the sort of places that remain untouched ...
John M Edwards

Antonio Pigafetta, chronicler of Magellan’s voyage, was the first “literary” travel writer to circle the globe, recording mutiny and shipwreck, Patagonian giants and Filipino warriors.
Alaska glacier
Planning the Trip
Sam Black
plans an Alaska road trip
I believe in having goals.

Trump Guilty of Obstruction of Justice - Now What?
James Campion
What it comes down to is not that the president is guilty or not guilty, but what there is under the constitution to be done with this.
'Almost' Final Word On Mueller Report & Obstruction of Justice
James Campion

This whole Russian obsession the Trump campaign and its administration’s first two years of governance has displayed had nothing to do with collusion.
Sanchez PM
8M - Spanish Elections

James Skinner
Spain goes to the polls and women are leading the way to a Socialist victory ...
The Mueller Report & Me
Martin Green

...maybe there were two reports as Fox and CNN seemed to be reporting on different things.

The Attempted Murder of the Planet & The Merry Human Virus

James Campion - Earth Day 4.22.19

We mean well, or we think we do – but we still merrily burn fossil fuels and use plastic all over the joint and eat animals who are filling the ozone with methane.Rose Bowl Pasadena
Max and I Go to the Rose Bowl
Paul Michelson

Once Washington’s spot in the game was assured, I knew what I’d hear: “We should go,” my son Max said. “Who knows if we’ll get a chance again?”
The Minivan Circle of Life
Jennie Garman

Vans -- my stepfather has always driven minivans. They - much like him - were old and colossal with unsolvable issues he didn’t care enough about to fix.
On the subject of pain
Sam Hawksmoor

For the last year I have been struggling to write a novel about pain.  The choice of subject was influenced by a sustained attack of fibromyalgia ...

REVIEWS Film & Books
Moving Hay
Sam Hawksmoor

Genie looked at the kitchen clock and sighed.  Ten to four.  The time of the great experiment had arrived.  He’d been trying for months now with no success, but it at least it made him happy and that, she had discovered, was important.  Happiness was a new experience for her; it seemed to vanish like mist when you least expected it.
An unusal Sunday in Dagoba
Lakunle Jaiyesimi
Sundays are unusually hot days! Nature has her ways for perfect orderliness.
Peter Ike Amadi

“So what do you do in your spare time?”
“I’m a dreamwalker” she replied with a small smile.

Nervous Pills
Nerve damage and the history of light in November

Abigail George

I reach out for the stillness of the sea hanging in the sitting room. I’m slowly going mad again.

Currently reading:
Idiots Guide to Tiling a Floor
Currently watching:
The Good Fight - new season a disappointment with long monologues and insipid cartoons.
Bad Banks - A thrilling German drama about high finance dealing and fraud

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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