I'm Mandy, Fly Me?
Colin Todhunter
This is a strange place. It’s a place where Chicago meets Karachi, where Moscow meets Madrid. It’s a place where the living dead congregate. Welcome to the transit lounge of Dubai International Airport.
William Blomstedt
I woke to the sound of tires crunching through gravel by the walls of my tent. Hooting laughter bounded off the dry stone walls and it soon followed the sound of scuffing feet into the nearby hostel.
Sumatra: Indo ripples on the edge of time - John M. Edwards
I arrive by high-speed hydrofoil across the Malacca Straits to Medan, the ersatz capital of Sumatra, during Ramadan
The Serai Bandipur Resort, India
Marianne de Nazareth
The Serai, Bandipur beckoned, as without a doubt, the Serai properties in South India are special , each one with its own trademark USP
Walking on the Moon
John M. Edwards
Tongariro National Park moonscape. Defy the gravitas and join a Scottish mountain climber to scale an active volcano.
The Lessons of Boston
James Campion
So what will be the monthly flavor of scapegoat now that crudely homemade bombs are the latest to invade our cushy national illusion?
The North Korean Big Bang Theory
Isabella Kerr
North Korea has regained the world’s attention in recent weeks with the drama of nuclear weapons, the threat of war, UN sanctions and promises of retaliation
Letter from Barcelona
Xavier Macia
...The last thing most Catalans want to do is pull together with the rest of Spain, say the polls. The view in Catalonia is that the economic mess is Madrid's fault
Judges & Politics - Spain
James Skinner
The highs and lows of the complex world of the often currupt Spanish Judical System. The whole system is overburdened and saturated. The time taken from the moment a case is brought before a judge takes years...
Rich Men - Poor You
Dean Borok
France’s richest man, luxury products LVMH SA chairman Bernard Arnault, did an about-face and declared that he would not renounce his French citizenship
Springtime for North Korea
James Campion
Getting hyped about North Korea saber rattling in spring is tantamount to being floored about the flowers budding in the backyard.
Are you 'Ready for Love'
(Guest Blog)
Rob Cottingham
...maybe no-ones meeting anyone in the real world, not in the workplace, especially where political correctness means even a compliment can lead to a lawsuit.
James Morford
Even for those raised on Hollywood films, the evidence of a hard, cruel man, such as Hernando Cortez, leading a tiny band that brought to heel the Aztec empire, staggers the imagination.
To El Paso, With love
Allison Racimo
I hate crying. With my nose red, puffy eyes, and never ending hiccups, I am not a pretty sight to behold. Crying was never part of the plan when I left Philadelphia for El Paso, Texas.
The Old Man and the GMC
Tyrel Nelson
I’m looking left, waiting to go right. The traffic of the two-lane highway steadily races by. I lean over the dash and squint to discern if there are any gaps amongst the leadfooters...
Peer Pressure
Umm-e-Aiman Vejlani
Peer pressure has been a subject of concern amongst many individuals for eras gone and will continue to be so for eons to come.
Wanderlust: A Long's Nights Drivin'
J S Wright
If I had the option to, the majority of my time would be invested in absence. There’s a reason why one of my favorite books is Kerouac's “On the Road”
N.C. State & The Birth of March Madness - James Campion
30-Year Anniversary of the Improbable Ride of Jimmy V and the Wolfpack
Easy On That Lighter Fluid, Fergus
George Djuric
The streets of Belgrade delivered much needed milieu for my personal guerrilla enterprise, as they intertwined emotional charge with intellectual hunger |