Review by Richard Oleksa
D.A. Blyler's
Publisher: BurnhillWolf Books (
Release: January, 2003
Price: $12.99 (Trade paperback)
ISBN: 0-9645655-4-4
'highly readable and, at times, thought-provoking
Last year, book
lovers witnessed the media hyped release of Arthur Phillips' 'Prague',
a much ballyhooed novel, bathed in irony and polished self-consciousness,
that was populated by a cadre of annoying young American expatriates--described
with acerbic accuracy by reviewer Alexander Zaitchik as "awkwardly
sketched composites of pseudo-intellectual hipster lightweights".
If this was the new "Lost Generation," the consensus among
the expat community was: Let's hope they never find a compass and appear
in our favorite pub.
Therefore, it was with some trepidation that I approached the release
of D.A. Blyler's debut novel, Steffi's Club,
described as "an absinthe filled romp through the subterranean
world of the Czech Republic" and billed as the first expat novel
to emerge from that country since the fall of Communism. Phillips' Prague
was, after all, set in Hungary, and after a bit of Internet searching,
I indeed could find no other contemporary expat novels from Milan Kundera's
motherland. Eventually I overcame my initial reservations and ordered
the book from its small press publisher BurnhillWolf.
Those looking for an in-depth novel "about" the Czech Republic,
its fascinating cultural and political history, will not find it in
Steffi's Club. Actually, it is an unabashed act of hubris for any foreigner
to write "about" a country unless they can speak the language
fluently, and have lived, loved, and worked there for many, many years.
Few expatriates can make such a claim, and Blyler thankfully doesn't
over-reach in this manner. He simply employs the Slavic setting as the
backdrop for his story.
Steffi's Club is set in the brewery town of Pilsen, arguably the capital
of world beer, and details the exploits of Daniel Fischer, a former
professional student with a checkered employment history. Like many
Americans living abroad he pays his bills by teaching English, but,
unlike most, his position is at a university rather than the ramshackle
Houses of English that dot the cities of Central Europe and are optimistically
referred to as language academies. The salary of a university lecturer,
though, is still poor and Daniel decides to take a moonlighting job
teaching English to the working girls at the town's most exclusive brothel,
Steffi's Club.
That's when the fun begins, which is to say from the first chapter,
and it doesn't diminish until the final page of this highly readable
and, at times, thought-provoking book. We watch with growing curiosity
as Daniel is unwittingly drawn into a bohemian underworld populated
by such characters as Tony the Midget, a gypsy pimp with a crippled
leg, bad teeth, and a chip on his shoulder; Stepan the Russian, a philosophical
Mafia boss; and, of course, Steffi, a young Madame with an addiction
to American Internet chat rooms. What all began innocently enough (in
Daniel's mind) soon spins out of control when he finds himself caught
in unexpected conspiracies involving murder and revenge.
Blyler honed his writing skills as an online satirist, penning the infamous
"Seven Vices of Highly Creative People," a satire of business
guru Stephen Covey for Salon. In Steffi's Club, he turns his satirical
eye upon his protagonist's inability to leave behind the kitsch of America.
Daniel and his friends spend much of their time at the local taproom,
invitingly called The Devil's Happy Lap, whose Czech bartender plays
an endless stream of 70's tunes from the likes of Jerry Rafferty, Leo
Sayer, and B.J. Thomas. Each chapter, in fact, begins with a brief verse
from an AM radio favorite. The lyrics not only set the tone for the
writing ahead, but also form an oddly unifying thematic framework, one
which reflects Daniel Fischer's ennui and growing desire to undertake
any act that will ameliorate the boredom and monotony of contemporary
life. This is, of course, in the great tradition of nearly every expat
novel, from Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises to Henry Millers
Tropic of Cancer. D.A. Blyler's Steffi's Club is an original and welcome
addition to the genre.
Richard Oleksa is a freelance English tutor, currently working in Ljubljana,
© Richard Oleksa 2003
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