
by Denise M. Clark
Flying Objects: Starcraft
By Der Voron
ISBN: 1591297389
Publisher: PublishAmerica (http://www.publishamerica.com)
The existence of extraterrestrials has long been a subject of heated debate
between scientists, scholars and stargazers whove spent many an
hour studying the night sky and the universe beckoning beyond.
Scientific proof of whether distant life forms and existence are
legitimate causes yet an addition bone of contention between UFOlogists
and skeptics alike, and while its easy to make jokes about Area
51 or
Roswell, there is certainly a basis for those jokes and rumors.
Something had to have happened in these places and many others
throughout the globe to engender such speculation and argument.
In his book, Unidentified Flying Objects: Starcraft, Der Voron has offered
an extremely well researched and detailed report of incidents that have
occurred all across the globe, from many different eras.
Ancient writings may have been the first indication that we are
alone, and Der Voron cites several of these sources as an example.
Such statements originate from many different countries and in different
continents, from ancient times to contemporary, from Indian tales of events
that took place in the wilds of Kipling country to experiences related
by a German artillery gunner during World War Two. Reports of unidentified
contact with objects of undetermined origins have been filed in
government offices from the plains of South America to the fjords of Norway
and the steppes of Asia.
Highly annotated and illustrated with fascinating examples of starship
models and their possible makeup, armaments and defensive mechanisms,
this ambitious work offers a wealth of documented information on not only
Starcraft, otherwise known as Flying Saucers, but the types
of extraterrestrials that have flown them. All aliens are not created
equal, as their many varied depictions and origins in historical writings
attest. The authors use of a plethora of written documentation ably
enhances his description of personal civilian and military accounts of
those who have had some kind of interaction with these objects.
Also explored in great detail is the intelligence of our sea life, mainly
as that intelligence relates to dolphins and the octopi of our deepest
oceans, and how they, in turn, can be used in the search for extended
knowledge of the universe surrounding our planet. How and why these creatures
have gained such highly specialized communication skills and how it is
that an octopus can experience an event and not only remember it, but
learn from it, is explored, and commented upon as it relates to mans
search for a higher intelligence.
While replete with scientific data, terms and information, this work by
Der Voron is nevertheless highly readable and extremely illuminating for
the common reader with no prior knowledge of extraterrestrial existence,
while at the same time it also provides hours of reading material and
documentation to keep the more knowledgeable busy.
Der Vorons conscientious effort to dig deep for his sources shows
in his detailed reports, and his data gathering and willingness to share
that information is a challenging endeavor in which he has aptly succeeded.
The existence of extraterrestrials is an immensely interesting topic,
one that will be explored for years to come, and this work can provide
as an invaluable asset to any stargazers bookshelf.
© Denise M. Clark, reviewer
email: denisemclark@bolt.com
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