The International Writers Magazine: Chick Lit? Chick Lite
Decrying Women Novelists
Can’t say I blame you!
'Virtually all
the novels published today are geared for your average soccer-mom'...
I admit that
I don’t always match the color of my purse with that of my shoes.
No big deal, right? But in a Chick-Lit novel, this is a travesty. I
used to think that literarily, we were standing on the precipice of
a very large abyss. But after familiarizing myself with the genre known
as Chick-Lit, I realize that we are actually at the bottom, and have
been for some time. In Lynn Messina’s Chick-Lit novel Fashionistas,
published by Red Dress Ink, her lead character comments while having
a drink with her friend at the bar, "Writing genre fiction is easy:
You follow a formula, do your best and in the end if you’re not
one-tenth as good as the people you adored growing up- E.M. Forster,
Christopher Isherwood, Virginia Woolf- it doesn’t really matter.
No one expected anything from you anyway… It’s taking yourself
seriously as a writer that’s hard."
When I think of my favorite novelists, no women come to mind. John Steinbeck,
Charles Johnson, Erich Maria Remarque, and Hermann Hesse just to name
a few. That is not to say there are not a handful of good female novelists
from over the years, but despite the statistic that 3,500 novels are
being published each year, those few do not hold place in today’s
publishing. To put it frankly, women read novels, men read non-fiction
and biographies. Virtually all the novels published today are geared
for your average soccer-mom, and if that’s not the case, then it’s
for female twentysomething’s with short attention spans who like
reading about people who work for the glossy magazines they like to
read (as it is in the case of Fashionistas). The problem is, though,
that there are two kinds of Chick-Lit. Chick-Lit and more Chick-Lit,
or more specifically, Chick-Lit that is fluff and knows it and Chick-Lit
that is fluff and doesn’t.
I will address the first category and then rip into the next. Criticizing
this first group of novels is like ripping on a soap opera. Everyone
knows it’s bad, and even the actors know it’s bad. The thing
that people don’t realize is that pretense plays the biggest role
in how much something deserves to be ripped. One does not criticize
the daytime show Passions for not being Othello, because
nothing is expected from it, other than mindless entertainment. So Messina
is right in what she says- genre writers have it easy. Some of these
Chick-Lit titles include Apocalipstic, Getting Over Jack Wagner,
Good In Bed, Diary of a Mad Bride, Confessions of a Shopaholic,
See Jane Date, Engaging Men, and The Thin Pink Line, referring
specifically to the line seen from taking a pregnancy test- a spin off
of the great war film title The Thin Red Line, as I’m sure
Terrence Malick would be pleased. Equipped with nifty little covers
and bright colors, I have to believe that if it wasn’t for the
attractive covers, no one would want to pick up the books.
All these novels involve in some way or another a female protagonist
who is unsatisfied with her life, wants more, so she goes shopping and
spends money she doesn’t have, spending half the time lusting for
a man she cannot have, and the other half at a trendy bar whining with
another equally whiny girlfriend who has the same problems. But unfortunately,
because these characters are so geared for the supposed trendy "21st
Century Woman" no one will care about them by the time the 21st
Century and a half comes around because a trend only matters when it
is a trend. Serving mostly as a laundry list for contemporary brand
name clothes and designers, these very novels (and clothing brand names)
won’t mean anything in fifteen years, let alone fifty. New designers
will have popped up, and new bars will be the trendy place to hang.
So your only suggestion would be to write a shallow novel containing
those new designers and new trends that will also go out of style in
coming years, and so on.
Both See Jane Date and Engaging Men, for example, follow
your predictable A-B-C format, where in SJD Jane is forced to find a
date for a wedding, all the while ignoring the recommendations of her
wacky aunt who informs her of a nice guy that would make a good match
for her. So naturally, Jane dates and dates and dates a bunch of one-dimensional
losers, falls for a doctor who ends up cheating on her, and in the end-
wouldn’t you know it- the aunt was right about the guy she recommended
all along because Jane and the guy end up together. Woopie. In Engaging
Men, actress wannabe Angie is dating a guy who we all know is an
ass because the clues are spelled out for us. Yet she has a hot male
roommate who has always been there for her. Gee, in the end who do you
think she will end up with? It would be painful watching how the lead
characters continue to not see the clues that are so easily spelled
out for the readers - if only we actually gave a crap about them. But
we don’t. The thing about these novels that bugs me is that these
books often run over three hundred pages with a shallow plot and character
only suited for fifty.
But it is not difficult to see how these Chick-Lit writers have been
boxed in, so that even if they wanted to break from the genre, many
of them sign multiple book deals where they have to adhere to the presses’
guidelines. Some examples include Delta Trade, Downtown Books, Avon
Books, and Red Dress Ink. If you go to the Red Dress Ink website, you
will see their guidelines are so restrictive that no possible writer
could diverge. Tone: Vibrant. We're looking for novels that really
set themselves apart from the average chick lit book. Predictability
is not your friend. Innovate, don't imitate.
What exactly is the average chick-lit book supposed to be? Could of
fooled me - these books dispensable, in that you read one you’ve
read ‘em all. Each one is a knock off of the next, but again, the
ax I grind isn’t with this tripe - it’s with the tripe that
thinks it’s literature but isn’t.
I used to not read fiction for these very examples I’ve shown,
but I’ve found that a good or great novel can do the same thing
that a great poem by Yeats, Hayden, Stevens, or Jeffers can. But it
is unfortunate that very few quality writings come from contemporary
writers. Two books that piss me off equally are The Lovely Bones,
by Alice Sebold, and White Oleander, by Janet Fitch. White Oleander
had been branded an Oprah pick, so that already had one strike against
it in my book. But everyone had raved about the inane The Lovely Bones
so that even though I was reluctant to try it- I caved, only realizing
that I should have stuck to my instincts. The Lovely Bones is told in
sixth-grade level prose by a banal character named Suzie, who gets murdered
and then watches everyone from heaven. Suzie is a snoozer of a character
who speaks in the wannabe drippings of a bad Confessional Poet - not
like a fourteen-year old- (the age at which she supposedly was murdered).
Often she makes trite comments about her younger sister as having "creamy
skin" and "round breasts" with "rose-petal shaped
eyes." Dead or not, I don’t know any fourteen-year old who
would speak that way about her sibling. Not only that, as though this
mediocre crime-cum-wannabe literary novel isn’t enough, Sebold
obviously wasn’t content with having a novel actually dealing with
grief in a realistic manner, so she had to have the mother engage in
an affair with the detective who is a moron and can’t find reasons
behind any of the clues. All the characters are morons except for, wouldn’t
you know it, the younger sister, who can see through it all and unlock
the mystery behind The Lovely Bones. But by then the revelation is a
big shrug of the shoulders "so what"? And really the last
straw for me is when Suzie enters the body of this depressed poet wannabe
(who reads The Bell Jar no less) so Suzie can have sex with the
first guy she ever kissed. And the funny thing is, that this novel had
a blurb comparing it to the masterful To Kill A Mockingbird-
one of the prime examples where criticism attempts to make a connection
between a book of bland writing with that of a Modern Classic when there
isn’t one.
White Oleander is as equal a disaster- where the main character’s
mother is a "brilliant poet" who gets locked away for all
her nuttiness, while the daughter goes from foster home to foster home.
Not only is the lead character another crazy "poet" but she’s
a "brilliant" one. Why? Because Janet Fitch says so. Intermingled
with Fitch’s flaccid prose drenched in bad metaphor meant to sound
"poetic", are several passages of insipid, clichéd
lines meant to be excerpts from the "brilliant poet’s"
"poems". This is not to say that anyone who knows a damn thing
about poetry would see that the lines were doggerel, but obviously Fitch
is relying on her target audience, white soccer-moms, who certainly
wouldn’t know the difference. Seeing this crap in print gave me
a new appreciation for the A.S. Byatt novel Possession (which
I’ve not read - only seen the film). At least Byatt respects her
audience and the art enough that when she makes a book about poets she
uses actual poems written by one (Robert Graves).
What is so infuriating about novels like The Lovely Bones and White
Oleander, is that they are just like Hollywood movies- designed to not
offend, not go over anyone’s head by being too creative, not require
too much thinking or attention, and ultimately- have a concept that
absolutely will not disagree with one’s sentiment. The ultimate
success of these novels is dependent on having the audience agree with
the sentiment behind them. Unfortunately, simply agreeing with one’s
sentiment does not make for good art. It’s not a wonder why most
women novelists are not taken seriously. People are lazy, so the first
thing to do is place everything into a category, which is basically
putting an expiration date on the work. Just as the horrid –ism
terms attached to poetry, the same thing happens with fiction. If you’re
a woman writer, you’re either a Chick-Lit fluff writer or a Chick-Lit
fluff writer trying to pass yourself off for literature. Either way,
no one will take women seriously as writers in years to come if this
is all we have to show for it. Let us hope that there will be a new
generation of risky writers not afraid to take a chance and try something
new. And hopefully some publishers will be open-minded enough to publish
it. If not, I loathe to think we’d be quoting from Fashionistas
fifty years from now!
© Jessica Schneider Feb 2004
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