The International Writers Magazine: Autism
Reverend Father Antonio
Hernández, O.M.D., A.B.F.
Founder of the Independent Order of American Buddhist Fathers
A man
enters the room. He is a striking personage, and you feel immediately
drawn to him. Soon you begin to feel something like a sensation that
he is 'not really there'- sort of like witnessing an out-of-body scenario.
He twirls a lock of his grey hair, and his eyes look so far to the distance
that you begin to wonder if he'll snap out of it. He does, right away,
and is with you again, laughing, joking and smiling. It's not easy to
see his beautiful eyes, because he does not look at you too often.
Then there is another man. He is considered by many to resemble the
first man. He, too, stands like a monolith, sometimes flapping one hand
(like the first man sometimes does). Sometimes he twitches a shoulder.
He, too, has a rollicking belly laugh, likes humor, but can suddenly
become 'absent' from his body. He, too, returns rapidly. Or, again like
the first man, he might just get up, walk out and never say a word to
The first man was Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist who ever lived.
The second man is yours truly, the author of this here article: greatest
windbag who ever lived. Both of us have two things in common: 1. Einstein
and I share Jewish heritage; 2. Einstein and I share autism. This article
is about the latter.
Dr. Oliver Sacks, a truly great physician, author and thinker, often
complains that the public is ignorant of autistic adults. He says people
think "autistic" automatically means "child". He
says the public must think autistic children suddenly fall off the face
of the earth one day. Autistic adults, especially normally functioning
autistic adults, are totally ignored.
There is a circular spectrum of autism, about which I've written many
times and I describe in my book "No
Duty To Retreat" (get it here while it's hot, it's lovely folks).
But put simply, there are two types of autistic adults: lesser-functioning
and high-functioning. The high-function autistic adults usually suffer
from Asperger's autism (a.k.a. Asperger's Syndrome or AS); it is no
coincidence that many great scientists, engineers, mathematicians, artists
and writers have Asperger's. Autism is no death sentence, yet we autistic
adults feel rotten about the way society treats us. In and of ourselves,
we are otherwise very happy.
Autism in the more easily missed form generally consists of minor "eccentricities",
some social isolation or aloofness, obsessive pursuit of specific subjects,
and tics. It also usually entails a sky-high I.Q., immense creativity,
imagination, powerful visual thinking and even more powerful general
Look at this list of names: Ludwig Wittgenstein. Norbert Wiener. Paul
Erds. Nikolia Tesla. Jerome Lemelson. Bill Gates. Johann Sebastian Bach.
Wolfgang von Goethe. And of course, Albert Einstein. Some names leap
out, some seem obscure. But these people changed the world- and they
were all autistic people. This is only a tiny sampling. A comprehensive
list would require a dozen pages here.
I, your friendly neighborhood Buddhist monk, was diagnosed with mild
autism early in 2000. Speaking (writing) as an autistic person, I am
humbled and honored to be in such illustrious company.
People must begin opening their eyes about autistic adults, no matter
where on the spectrum these adults may find themselves. There are two
wonderful people who have websites that can help you learn more:
These sites are fun, cheerful, informative and just plain fascinating
to read, and to utilize as databases. If you or someone you love is
affected by autism, by all means these two sites are the folks to contact!
Think "Autism Society" only if you need pamphlets- but check
out these fantastic sites first.
Now, perhaps, just perhaps, the next time you encounter an adult rocking
back and forth, hands flapping, or just staring, you will understand
better. There is a full, true human being there before you, an autistic
human being, and that human being is as sensitive as anyone, as important
as anyone- and very likely ten times more intelligent than anyone.
© Reverend Father Antonio Hernández, O.M.D., A.B.F.
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